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  • NASA and a Grandma

    January 14, 2018 1 min read 1 Comment

    I work at Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama. We do the rocket engineering for space flight. I used to work on the Space Shuttle.

    We are building a big new rocket that will go to the moon, and eventually to Mars.

    Since I am on the older end of the workforce I mostly work on figuring out how to do rocket science and engineering in the future with the energetic, tech-savvy young engineers, and how to get all the knowledge those of us with greyed hair have learned transferred to the rising generations.

    It is a lot of fun to work for NASA!

    I'm delighted that you are making dresses with science and technology on them. And they're twirly!

    Just because we like science doesn't mean we don't like to have girl fun.

    I'm especially grateful that I can get my granddaughters things that they will really like to wear in colors they love but that still will remind them of their grandmother.

    -Jennifer Stevens, Grandma, NASA rocket scientist, and Princess Awesome customer

    1 Response


    January 22, 2018

    I felt the exact same pride giving my granddaughter the firefighter dress!! Princess Awesome is really a God-send!!

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