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  • September 12, 2018 3 min read 363 Comments

    “What a terrific airplane shirt! Do you want to fly a plane and be a pilot?”

    My four-year-old was running around the terminal, arms outstretched, making zooming noises and watching the planes land and take off when a passerby spoke up. I had heard this conversation dozens of times before - after four children and many trips to Grandma’s, the discussions adults have with kids while waiting to catch a plane are fairly predictable. 

    But this conversation was different.

    “Yes! I’ll wear a hat and fly my plane everywhere!”

    “Where would you like to go?”

    “To Grandma’s! And Mom and Dad and all the brothers will ride along in my plane!”

    The words were pretty much the same as always, but this adult was speaking to a girl - my daughter - not of one of my three sons.

    My boys have always worn clothes that reflected their interests. Dinosaur hoodies, monster truck shirts, pants embroidered with tiny trains. People talk with them about stomping like a dinosaur, how fun it would be to drive a monster truck, and the sounds engines make (I always love hearing grown ups sing out “Choo-ooo! Choo choo!”). The boys would stomp and vroom and “tooooooot!” right along, glorying in the encouragement of their favorite topic du jour.

    My daughter is a feminine little person - she likes pink, bows, sparkles, fancy shoes, twirly skirts, nail polish. But many of her pretty clothes are limited in expressing the other things she likes - in fact, all the same things her brothers like. When she’s wearing a twirly dress with butterflies on it, adults tell her, “You look so pretty today!” And that’s fine - it’s fun to dress up and experiment with different looks.  But does it have to be the only conversation she ever hears? What if she could wear the styles of clothing she liked that also featured topics she enjoyed?

    When my friend Rebecca asked me that same question years ago, the two of us answered it by creating Princess Awesome.  The clothes we make reflect the wide range of girls’ interests. And what we suspected about adults talking about girls’ interests based on the clothes they’re wearing was true. When a girl wears a shirt with the scientific method on it, adults ask her about her interest in science.  They talk about dinosaurs when she’s wearing a dinosaur dress. One little girl even explained to her dad how multiplication works based on the number patterns in her math flowers dress.

    All these little conversations add up. It’s subtle but it reinforces to children what adults really value. If girls hear nothing but comments on their appearance, eventually they will internalize that what adults really value in girls is how they look - no matter how often they also hear “You can be anything you want to be.”

    I have yet to meet a kid who doesn’t like airplanes. Yet women comprise fewer than 10% of pilots, aviation mechanics, and flight engineers. Why is it that so many girls lose their interest in aviation?  At Princess Awesome, we’re dedicated to making sure girls know that aviation and other STEM fields are just as much for them as they are for boys.

    We’re honored to join forces with JetBlue Foundation that shares our commitment to fostering girl’s interest and confidence in STEM fields. The JetBlue Foundation provides financial support to students, especially girls, in pursuing a STEM education to work in aviation. This month, we are releasing a special blue edition of our Airplanes Collection in honor of the JetBlue Foundation.  

    Little girls already have all the confidence they need to fly, repair, and direct airplanes. What they need from us is our unwavering confidence in them and their abilities. I can still hear her, right before we stepped on the plane -

    “Mama, when I’m big I will fly my plane all around the world!”

    Yes, my sweet.  You will fly with your own wings. We’ll just be the air beneath you.

    Fashion on the Fly

    100 Responses

    Mary S.
    Mary S.

    September 24, 2018

    I’m so excited to have come across this. My 5 year old daughter loves all of these dresses- I can’t wait to see how much of a conversation starter they are.


    September 24, 2018

    I love how the conversation shifts from how girls look to what they enjoy.


    September 24, 2018

    We love the idea! Good luck to you and your brand :)


    September 24, 2018

    We live near the airport and my 18mo daughter loves waving and saying “HIIIIII” to every plane she sees or hears.


    September 24, 2018

    I love how with meaningful prints, the questions she is asked turn towards her interests and not just her looks. (PS- is there another way to submit photos? The ones I want to submit are not recent social media posts and the upload button doesn’t seem to want to cooperate now. Thanks!)

    Victoria Ellis
    Victoria Ellis

    September 24, 2018

    I love this line! My daughter is definitely a girly girl and loves science, superheroes, and other typical “boy” stuff. It’s so nice to find clothing that incorporates both!


    September 24, 2018

    No, clothes don’t change the conversation i have with kids.


    September 24, 2018

    Yep! When my daughter wears science themed shirts adults talk to her about science 🔬


    September 23, 2018

    Clothes are great conversation starters and can make or break your day!


    September 23, 2018

    Clothing inspires the opening lines of conversations. “You went to the Grand Canyon?” and there goes the conversation about a love of hiking, the outdoors or traveling. But all too often it is, your hair is pretty or what a pretty dress. Girls should be able to show off their loves of whatever without having to give up the “girly” and resort the boys department. And should also be able to find their interest in non-“girly” ways but still get the dresses, skirts and leggings they love.


    September 23, 2018

    Adults often don’t know how to talk to kids. More meaningful prints mean more meaningful conversations!

    Staci Hoops
    Staci Hoops

    September 23, 2018

    I totally agree that clothing starts a conversation, and we need more diversity. Thank you for your efforts and options!


    September 23, 2018

    My daughter would love this! She is fiercely independent and ready to take on the world!

    Daisy Dyrdahl-Roberts
    Daisy Dyrdahl-Roberts

    September 23, 2018

    What a great contest! My 4 y/o loves her Princess Awesome outfits and they definitely have an effect on the conversations people have with her. When she wore her airplane outfit on our last flight every pilot and flight attendant who saw her gave her a flight wing pin—we came home with six 😂

    Beth Fletcher
    Beth Fletcher

    September 23, 2018

    I definitely feel clothing changes the conversation. Seeing an girl wear a dinosaur shirt tells them they like dinosaurs and gives them something they can talk about with them. Clothes can help be the starting point of a conversation.

    Erika Jackman
    Erika Jackman

    September 23, 2018

    I just love that businesses like this exist today. I am an airline pilot and there are so few women in my field of work. I truly believe it’s because most girls just aren’t encouraged to love things like rockets and airplanes. It’s definitely not because they can’t be anything they want to be! I have 3 daughters and they absolutely live airplanes! You can find us at the museum of flight on most rainy days. And soon you will see my daughters rocking these awesome airplane dresses!!!

    Kelly M
    Kelly M

    September 23, 2018

    Love that the larger sizes allows middle schoolers to wear clothes that display their interests.

    Elizabeth Sterner
    Elizabeth Sterner

    September 23, 2018

    Clothing definitely changes the conversations adults have with children. Right now my daughter insists on wearing a tutu every single day. She gets so many comments on her tutus. She says tutus are her style. She is so proud when she gets positive comments on her style.

    Lisa Stelter
    Lisa Stelter

    September 22, 2018

    I definitely think it changes conversations adults have with children based on what they are wearing.

    Marea Lemas
    Marea Lemas

    September 22, 2018

    I definitely think that clothing can spark a conversation among people and I love the conversations sparked by your clothing line!

    Sarah C
    Sarah C

    September 22, 2018

    I think the clothes kids wear definitely influence conversations and questions adults ask them, but they are also important for conversations with other kids. My daughter recently started school and didn’t know anyone. Day 2 at the bus stop, a boy in her class asked “where’s your fire truck dress?” (Which she wore on the first day.). To which she replied “I have robots today. Want to see how twirly it is?” He said yes, and they’ve been fast friends ever since.


    September 22, 2018

    Clothing definitely changes the conversation between children and adults! Clothing, more specifically what’s on it, can spark comments such as “Oh you’re so pretty!” or “Wow, do you really like math?” both of which have been directed at my daughter. Clothes are an opportunity to change the narrative of how girls (and boys) see themselves and I am all in for that revolution!


    September 22, 2018

    I have 3 daughters and, yes, I definitely notice the conversations adults have with my girls change if my girls are wearing clothes with science or travel or animal themes verses rainbows and flowers.

    Jodie L
    Jodie L

    September 22, 2018

    I love these outfits. When my daughter wears science or dinosaur shirts people definitely talk to her differently and about those subjects then when she wears other clothing.


    September 22, 2018

    My daughter is six and has been wearing science shirts for two years because she wants to be a scientist (or, in her words, “A traveling scientist because I want to see the world.” Clothes absolutely change the conversation. When she was looking at a Cub Scouts’ demonstration on rockets, wearing one of her scientist shirts, the leader asked me if she would like to join.

    Shelley Clem
    Shelley Clem

    September 22, 2018

    My daughter often gets comments when she is wearing her dinosaur shirts or her NASA shirt. It’s amazing how many random stranger want to know her career aspirations at age 7, vs. when she’s wearing a shirt with other logos, like flowers or smiley faces.

    Emily Fields
    Emily Fields

    September 22, 2018

    YES. I’m amazed by the different conversations my daughters are invited into when they wear shirts with vehicles or bugs vs. cutesy little puppies wearing pearls and tutus. I’ve got some really girly girls, but they love loads of “non-girly” things.

    Tracy M
    Tracy M

    September 22, 2018

    My girl constantly amazes me, she remembers everything as and devours all kinds of books. She went to her first STEM camp this year, Camp Invention, and still talks about it. These outfits are right up her alley!


    September 21, 2018

    My girls are lucky to have flown several times at such a young age. Now my youngest tells me she wants to fly to Outer Space!.


    September 21, 2018

    My son and daughter are nearly the same size in clothing and I watch them trade pants, shirts and socks on a regular basis. My son often wonders why my daughters jeggings do not have pockets while my daughter raves about the pockets in his jeans. Clothes are just clothes to them, some clothing just has a little more functionality to it!


    September 21, 2018

    We try so hard to encourage all of our daughter’s interests. She watched UP! for the first time this week and can’t decide if she wants to be an adventurer or a dog, so we’ve done both this week. And her request is a trip to the air and space museum for her birthday!


    September 21, 2018

    I work with the FAA and love this collection.

    Kristina Murphy
    Kristina Murphy

    September 21, 2018

    I love the idea of mixing fun and fashion with unique interests!

    Any Delap
    Any Delap

    September 21, 2018

    We have always loved princess awesome dresses! Both of our girls love all things science, especially the dinosaurs, rockets, ocean themes. Thank you for making awesome products for rebel girls! ❤️


    September 21, 2018

    I know well meaning people just try to connect with kids by saying, what a beautiful smile or pretty dress- but I’d love to have them remark, do you like airplanes? Or would you want to be a pilot when you grow up? Love the new line!

    Wendy O.
    Wendy O.

    September 21, 2018

    I definitely think clothes can make a difference in conversations. My daughter used to have a t-shirt from GoldieBlox that said “More than just a princess”, and if people asked her what GoldieBlox were, she would launch into the fun things she’s invented.

    Edelyn Joyce LeDoux
    Edelyn Joyce LeDoux

    September 21, 2018

    Clothes can be a topic because most girl clothing is filled with unicorns, rainbows, and flowers. I would love aviation clothing for girls, preferably pink! Lol

    Kristin C.
    Kristin C.

    September 21, 2018

    Such an amazing giveaway! It’s so important to support and encourage our girls interests in STEM! My daughter loves math and science, so amazing to hear her have conversations with adults about these topics.


    September 21, 2018

    My granddaughter loves your clothes! She is 4 and very opinionated about what she wears. Her most-frequently requested items to wear are her rocket dress and her dinosaur dress. Thank you for making great clothes!

    Catherine Harper
    Catherine Harper

    September 21, 2018

    I’m so excited to see size 12! I thought my middle schooler was out of luck. Thank you!


    September 21, 2018

    I am just learning about your website and clothing. FINALLY! As the mom of an 8 year old, I wish I would have found you sooner. My biggest struggle is holes in her knees. They make reinforced pants for boys, but not girls. She is in a Montessori classroom and they do not have desks, work on the floor most of the day. I go through dozens of pants each year. Frustrating!

    Amanda Chapman
    Amanda Chapman

    September 21, 2018

    I love when my girls are wearing science-themed or feminist-themed clothing. The comments become about how awesome girl power is!

    Neidy Hess
    Neidy Hess

    September 21, 2018

    I’ve loved hearing your story!! It’s amazing to me how this hadn’t existed before but you sure make it easy for a little girl to love her hobbies fiercely! I think it definitely has changed the way I talk to my daughter when she wears something that isn’t just pretty but extremely interesting.


    September 21, 2018

    I’m so glad to see more variety in girls clothes! Butterflies and flowers are all well and good, as long as they include the garden dirt too!

    Diane Sabatini
    Diane Sabatini

    September 21, 2018

    I do notice super bright colors spark interesting conversations.

    Kate Collins
    Kate Collins

    September 21, 2018

    Being able to find clothes for my girls that match their interests is quite hard. But you guys make it so easy!

    Kat Benson
    Kat Benson

    September 21, 2018

    Can’t wait for her birthday to get the princess awesome outfits on her wishlist!

    Nicole H
    Nicole H

    September 21, 2018

    Clothes are a great conversation starter. They can help you gauge children’s likes, dislikes, and interests. They can steer the conversation away from “cute” and onto more important things.


    September 21, 2018

    It absolutely is a conversation starter.

    Courtney Mickiewicz
    Courtney Mickiewicz

    September 21, 2018

    Clothes can change the topic of conversation. Thanks for addressing this


    September 20, 2018

    Yes I think it changes the conversation but also things have come a long way. There’s so much more choice now thanks to companies like yours!

    Sara H
    Sara H

    September 20, 2018

    I love when my daughter is asked about the cool things on her clothes, thanks to Princess Awesome!


    September 20, 2018

    Clothing definitely changes the conversation. My space loving daughter gets asked all the time about her rocket dress. I think adults start asking much more meaningful questions when they recognize her interests.

    Nicki H
    Nicki H

    September 20, 2018


    My daughter begs for pretty dresses with pockets. She loves everything pink, glittery, and girly, but she also like legos, dinosaurs, and Magic School Bus. Now she can have both.

    Lisa Prouse
    Lisa Prouse

    September 20, 2018

    My daughter loves her dinosaur dress! Your outfits are adorable and I love that she can still be girlie but wear Dino’s, trucks, planes etc. Thank you!!

    Sarah Walther
    Sarah Walther

    September 20, 2018

    I’m a mom and a professional pilot. My little girl has always seen me go to work and comments “mama work airplane?” She loves to twirl; I don’t think she can get dizzy. A dress that puts together twirls and airplanes is key for her. It’s so hard to find clothes that encourage her to be who she wants to be instead of others’ perceptions of how she should be.


    September 20, 2018

    I just realized that you have baby sizes, I always thought I had to wait to purchase until my daughter is 2T. Very exciting. My 10 month old loves her airplane toys.

    Amy Elizabeth Loker
    Amy Elizabeth Loker

    September 20, 2018

    Thank you for doing this! I’m a pilot wife with all girls and the lack of aviation clothing for girls is a shame. My husband and I have been putting our girls in boys clothing so they can wear planes like daddy. Our older two girls started flying with daddy when they were around 2 and both love planes. Our middle daughter even has an aviation themed name!


    September 20, 2018

    Love this! My daughter loves airplanes and her clothes often kick off conversation. When she was an infant it was often “oh, what a cute little boy” 🤭

    Amy Queen Davis
    Amy Queen Davis

    September 20, 2018



    September 20, 2018

    I can’t wait to get my daughter some of these darling prints. We were just looking at them together and she wants them all!

    J Young
    J Young

    September 20, 2018

    I definitely see this – the twirlier the dress the more the comments center around what a pretty little girl she is. Often a science theme on the dress changes the conversation at least a little – they may still start out with “aren’t you pretty” but then they notice the design and ask aquestion or make a comment about space or science. The full change will require society to undergo some major changes, but this is how we start that shift, I think.

    Laura M
    Laura M

    September 20, 2018

    My daughter is so excited you’re going to make a blue version of this line! That’s her favorite color.


    September 20, 2018

    My daughter loves that the dresses twirl and have pockets, and I love all the fun stem designs and great quality! She’s been on a few flights and loves watching planes fly over head, so I’m excited for this new line to debut, especially with such a great partnership! Keep up with the amazing work!

    Marcy Short
    Marcy Short

    September 20, 2018

    Took my daughter to the park when she was about 18mo old.
    She had a “boys” skull and crossbones hoodie on with black pants and shoes.

    Comments heard while wearing the jacket:
    “Look at him go!” (while scaling the levels to the slide)
    “You’re ok tough guy.” (after a fall)
    “Don’t play too rough with him, boys.” (to a group of rowdy kids on the same play structure)

    Comments heard after taking the jacket off to reveal a pink “girls” shirt:
    “Oh my, she’s so brave, I can believe she’s up there all alone, that’s scary, I hope she’s ok.” (before going down slide)
    “Oh poor baby! It’s ok sweetie. Do you need a break?” (after she bonked her head on something)
    “Kids! Get away from the baby you might hurt her or scare her!” (to a group of kids playing in the vicinity)

    We have a long ways to go!


    September 20, 2018

    This line is so needed! We should be able to reinforce that girls can enjoy their brainpower by what they wear!


    September 19, 2018

    This is an awesome partnership and fantastic mission! So excited that y’all exist for this house with two little women!


    September 19, 2018

    This is awesome! I had never heard of princess awesome until I saw this blog post/giveaway. I love the idea of clothes for my two girly daughters that also reflect things they love like building and science!

    Dee M
    Dee M

    September 19, 2018

    Kid Clothes and adults! Grrrr, she’s always cute with dresses but no mention when she wears pants or a T-shirt. These clothes though, take away from the “you look cute” and goes right for “what a cool dress” and then leads to talking about interest versus looks!

    Michelle Lee
    Michelle Lee

    September 19, 2018

    My daughter loves it when people talk to her about airplanes.


    September 19, 2018

    My daughter loves playing dress up whether as a princess or as a scary monster.


    September 19, 2018

    This would be such a rewarding experience for our daughter!! EEK!! She always jumps for joy even just seeing a plane in the sky each day. She, since her first flight, has always been intrigued by planes, flying and being high in the sky!

    Mary Clements
    Mary Clements

    September 19, 2018

    My younger brother is a pilot and my girls are now obsessed with planes and flying!!!


    September 19, 2018

    As a mom and a pilot, I LOVE everything about this! I want to wear a dress with airplanes on it too!!


    September 19, 2018

    This is amazing. We love to travel. Our daughter (3) has been on 65 flights and to 10 countries. Her favorite things are flying and black hole documentaries. I love that you make pants with pockets!

    Nicki A
    Nicki A

    September 19, 2018

    My Little Lady is obsessed with airplanes! Whenever she sees one in the sky, which is often since we live 15 minutes from the airport, she loudly points it out to everyone, often even interrupting herself. She asks multiple times a week about when we will ride on an airplane, has talked about dreams she has where she’s flying different places with different family members, often pretends she “has to hurry for her airplane,” and has even planned a “moms & daughters time” when she says all her grandmas, aunts &girl cousins are going with us on an airplane to “go shopping and get our hair & nails done, then do all the other special stuff.” Winning this giveaway would literally make her dreams come true!

    Jenny W
    Jenny W

    September 18, 2018

    I love this. We live just minutes from ORD and since she was a baby she has always lived to watch the airplanes take off and land over our house. She and her Dad talk about all the different kinds and will take a ride out along the airport when something special is parked. She loved seeing AF1!

    Chelsea R
    Chelsea R

    September 18, 2018

    Yes. What they are wearing invites certain conversations. I love her dinosaur outfits , science related outfits etc. people stop and think when they see that. It’s promoting stem not just for the kids but for adults too.

    Kimberley W
    Kimberley W

    September 18, 2018

    My daughter loves the shark print and has had a number of the dresses but we recently expanded her Princess Awesome options to include one of the great t-shirts. Every time she wears her clothes, she is proud to talk about whatever the subject reflected on her clothing whether it’s sharks or atomic shells, or square roots. She’s a “Girl on a Mission” and I adore that these clothes validate and amplify her voice and “science loving attitude”.


    September 18, 2018

    I ama pilot so my 3 daughters have so many airplane inspired outfits! We love going to the museum of flight and traveling in them! All my girls love aviation!

    Amy Hills
    Amy Hills

    September 18, 2018

    I absolutely think clothing creates conversation! I have two young girls. There is a big difference between “Do you like space?” or “Do you like to fly in the plane?” than, “How pretty you lock!” As a female pilot myself, it is a hard industry even in 2018 to be a part of. The conversations are different and the treatment is different. If clothing can begin to change the conversation when they are young, their generation will have a much better environment in typically gendered roles.


    September 18, 2018

    What a wonderful project! The air and space museum has always been a favorite of mine and I can’t wait to share it with my daughter someday.

    Kara Woodley
    Kara Woodley

    September 18, 2018

    Yes it does! My girls love clothes! They love it even more when people ask my daughters about the Dinos, robots, airplanes on their dresses. My girls want to be pilot ballerina scientists!

    Eileen Murphy
    Eileen Murphy

    September 18, 2018

    Clothing absolutely changes the conversations!

    Jennifer L.
    Jennifer L.

    September 18, 2018

    Clothes like this are so important! Girls are strong and need to know that there are unlimited options. This aviation line is amazing for a little Amelia I know. ♥️

    CJ Gardner
    CJ Gardner

    September 18, 2018

    My 4 year old daughter tells everybody that she wants to be a “teacher for astronauts, and a construction worker, and a dance teacher for little kids, and a doctor for people and a doctor for animals”… all while wearing a princess Elsa dress.

    Amy DC
    Amy DC

    September 18, 2018

    When my daughter has a specific picture or print on her outfit she will often get asked about it. If it’s a character she’ll get asked if that is her favorite character, if it’s a dinosaur she’ll get asked if she likes dinosaurs.

    Sarah Barthel
    Sarah Barthel

    September 18, 2018

    I saw a few comments from Moms with girls into aviation. I encourage you to google the shoe Come From Away—Broadway show about rerouted planes on 911 in Gander. One of the main characters is a strong female pilot and one of her songs is about get love for being up in the sky.

    September 18, 2018

    This is such a great idea! We need more women in aviation! Great outfit and will look amazing in blue!

    Tanya Peterson
    Tanya Peterson

    September 18, 2018

    I love this! Our hearts nearly broke the day our then 3-year old sadly stated that girls can’t be pilots; when we asked her why she thought that, she responded that none of the pilots at the air show we had just attended were girls. My husband immediately went out in search of everything he could to show her this was not true. Unsurprisingly we had a very hard time finding anything in the clothing area that was actually designed for girls, until you all came along! We are so grateful for what you are doing!

    Marty Whalen Brown
    Marty Whalen Brown

    September 18, 2018

    My daughter loves having print dress options beyond flowers, the pockets are icing on top.

    Rachel R
    Rachel R

    September 18, 2018

    When my girls were “pretty” dresses adults always comment on how pretty they are and ask what princess they like. If they are wearing something space or aviation related adults tend to ask more general questions about their interests.

    Rosemary L Gil
    Rosemary L Gil

    September 18, 2018

    My granddaughters LOVE wearing PA dresses!

    Heather Baltrush
    Heather Baltrush

    September 18, 2018

    This is such a great collaboration and design. I do notice when I fly when there is a female pilot, not often enough. Next time we have a female pilot, I will be sure to point it out to my daughter.

    Maria Dinehart
    Maria Dinehart

    September 18, 2018

    My 3 y.o. Isabel is obsessed with methods of transportation and going fast! She wants to “drive a helicopter way up high” and monster trucks are her one of her favorites in land. Thank you Princess Awesome for opening a new beautiful for little girls like my daughter, sugar, spice and trucks and planes and everything fast!

    Heather Ulman van Deur
    Heather Ulman van Deur

    September 18, 2018

    Thank you so much for making this collection. I’m one of the small number of female airline pilots. My daughters (and son) love airplanes, airports, and traveling. It’s so nice to be able to be able to buy them clothing that reflects their interests!


    September 18, 2018

    My husband is Air Force so the love for planes runs deep in our family. One of the first games my daughter planed was pretending to be an airplane. When this line was released, I knew she needed it. I’m a huge fan of anything that makes people think about more than how cute a girl is. I believe their clothes should reflect their interests.


    September 18, 2018

    Yes, it does. Clothes have changed over the years and can be great conversation starters.

    Sarah Earl
    Sarah Earl

    September 18, 2018

    My girls recently turned 6 and 4 and requested an airplane-themed party – I bought them and their 18 month old sister matching dresses to wear at the party and they LOVED them. I also bought myself the matching infinity scarf :-) It was my first Princess Awesome purchase – the quality is great and so many people have commented on them.

    Rachael Peay
    Rachael Peay

    September 18, 2018

    I actually have never thought how clothes change a girl’s perception of herself. This is fabulous.

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