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  • September 12, 2018 3 min read 363 Comments

    “What a terrific airplane shirt! Do you want to fly a plane and be a pilot?”

    My four-year-old was running around the terminal, arms outstretched, making zooming noises and watching the planes land and take off when a passerby spoke up. I had heard this conversation dozens of times before - after four children and many trips to Grandma’s, the discussions adults have with kids while waiting to catch a plane are fairly predictable. 

    But this conversation was different.

    “Yes! I’ll wear a hat and fly my plane everywhere!”

    “Where would you like to go?”

    “To Grandma’s! And Mom and Dad and all the brothers will ride along in my plane!”

    The words were pretty much the same as always, but this adult was speaking to a girl - my daughter - not of one of my three sons.

    My boys have always worn clothes that reflected their interests. Dinosaur hoodies, monster truck shirts, pants embroidered with tiny trains. People talk with them about stomping like a dinosaur, how fun it would be to drive a monster truck, and the sounds engines make (I always love hearing grown ups sing out “Choo-ooo! Choo choo!”). The boys would stomp and vroom and “tooooooot!” right along, glorying in the encouragement of their favorite topic du jour.

    My daughter is a feminine little person - she likes pink, bows, sparkles, fancy shoes, twirly skirts, nail polish. But many of her pretty clothes are limited in expressing the other things she likes - in fact, all the same things her brothers like. When she’s wearing a twirly dress with butterflies on it, adults tell her, “You look so pretty today!” And that’s fine - it’s fun to dress up and experiment with different looks.  But does it have to be the only conversation she ever hears? What if she could wear the styles of clothing she liked that also featured topics she enjoyed?

    When my friend Rebecca asked me that same question years ago, the two of us answered it by creating Princess Awesome.  The clothes we make reflect the wide range of girls’ interests. And what we suspected about adults talking about girls’ interests based on the clothes they’re wearing was true. When a girl wears a shirt with the scientific method on it, adults ask her about her interest in science.  They talk about dinosaurs when she’s wearing a dinosaur dress. One little girl even explained to her dad how multiplication works based on the number patterns in her math flowers dress.

    All these little conversations add up. It’s subtle but it reinforces to children what adults really value. If girls hear nothing but comments on their appearance, eventually they will internalize that what adults really value in girls is how they look - no matter how often they also hear “You can be anything you want to be.”

    I have yet to meet a kid who doesn’t like airplanes. Yet women comprise fewer than 10% of pilots, aviation mechanics, and flight engineers. Why is it that so many girls lose their interest in aviation?  At Princess Awesome, we’re dedicated to making sure girls know that aviation and other STEM fields are just as much for them as they are for boys.

    We’re honored to join forces with JetBlue Foundation that shares our commitment to fostering girl’s interest and confidence in STEM fields. The JetBlue Foundation provides financial support to students, especially girls, in pursuing a STEM education to work in aviation. This month, we are releasing a special blue edition of our Airplanes Collection in honor of the JetBlue Foundation.  

    Little girls already have all the confidence they need to fly, repair, and direct airplanes. What they need from us is our unwavering confidence in them and their abilities. I can still hear her, right before we stepped on the plane -

    “Mama, when I’m big I will fly my plane all around the world!”

    Yes, my sweet.  You will fly with your own wings. We’ll just be the air beneath you.

    Fashion on the Fly

    100 Responses

    Stacey Y
    Stacey Y

    October 03, 2018

    I think clothing can absolutely change how adults speak to children. Instead of just noting how pretty a little girl looks, the person can actually talk to her about her interests.

    Jennifer Pettit
    Jennifer Pettit

    October 03, 2018

    It is absolutely true that what my daughter wears affects what people talk about with her. Her clothing is usually the first thing anyone comments on, so it might as well be interesting. But more than that, it affects what she talks about and how she approaches the world around her. After wearing her shark shirt, the word “fierce” entered her vocabulary very young. When another kid on the playground lurches at her roaring like a dinosaur, she roars back instead of back away nervously. She still loves butterflies and hearts but loves trucks and sharks too, and doesn’t yet see the gender assignments we adults are so used to. Change is coming.


    October 03, 2018

    Love this clothing line! I think it gets girls really excited to fly and it sparks a conversation to talk about. Any girl would feel confident wearing their “airplane” outfit. My girls want the whole collection!

    Shermece Hughley
    Shermece Hughley

    October 03, 2018

    Our 6 year old is a dress diva. She loves all things dresses, but she also loves anything science related. When you mix the 2, she’s as happy as can be. Our conversations range from how can I make this better, to what experiments are we doing today.

    Julie Eller
    Julie Eller

    October 03, 2018

    We were at the zoo with my toddlers who were wearing dinosaurs and sharks and the gentleman zoo volunteer stopped us and asked if they would like to go back to the aquarium to pet a shark-first time they have had that experience!

    Vanessa Dyer
    Vanessa Dyer

    October 03, 2018

    This is amazing! My two awesome princesses and I love Washington DC, JetBlue and Princess Awesome!

    Elizabeth K.
    Elizabeth K.

    October 03, 2018

    My daughter likes to wear empowering clothes because they make her feel strong, but she also loves frilly, girly outfits.

    We end up talking a lot about how clothes make her feel and how it is important to please herself, not others.

    Jessica Lodge
    Jessica Lodge

    October 03, 2018

    I think clothing can give insight to a child’s personality and therefore change the way an adult may conversate with them.

    Rachel Fox
    Rachel Fox

    October 03, 2018

    Clothing is definitely a conversation starter. My kiddo likes a lot of animal/science shirts and gets comments on them quite often. This usually leads to her telling the commenter science facts or information about the animal, which helps her build confidence.


    October 03, 2018

    As a pilot mom with three girls these are near and dear to my heart! We love the message this brand is sending

    Karin Higgins Sturgis
    Karin Higgins Sturgis

    October 02, 2018

    Clothing can be a great conversation starter and when someone notices, it’s a great way to encourage your child’s interests. Making connections with others is a great experience too.


    October 02, 2018

    Brilliant idea!


    October 02, 2018

    Love this line! My daughter would love it too!

    Ann Melody Lehrman
    Ann Melody Lehrman

    October 02, 2018

    My daughter asks to fly in a plane every day. We live near a small airport and she gets excited to see them land and take off. She LOVES flying. We live in CT and she asks to visit Arizona daily – because we took her there twice to visit family. She also has been to Wisconson, Colorado and Florida on a plane so we may have a little travel addict on our hands. :) Not that that’s a bad thing :)

    Mare Mald
    Mare Mald

    October 02, 2018

    Yes absolutely! Positive words on clothing helps instill confidence in young ladies!


    October 02, 2018

    These clothes are fabulous!!!

    Donna Castracane
    Donna Castracane

    October 02, 2018

    I think these clothes are great. My daughter loves fashion and airplanes, rocket ships and space. It is always interesting to see if people react differently to her when she has a space or airplane shirt on. In a lot of cases it is definitely a conversation starter.

    Kim Ladouceur
    Kim Ladouceur

    October 02, 2018

    I’ve witnessed many exchanges regarding my daughters clothing choices, usually along the lines of, “That looks so nice on you”. It was the Kickstarter Princess Awesome Hidden Ninja dresses that initiated the first real conversations that didn’t involve their looks.


    October 02, 2018

    My daughter loves your clothes and always is so proud that she can wear her dresses with trains and cars!!


    October 02, 2018

    It is so frustrating when people ask my son about his interests and ask my daughter “well aren’t you pretty?”

    Darice Witherspoon
    Darice Witherspoon

    October 02, 2018

    Clothing can be a starting point for a feeling, conversation and ambition.

    Jennifer Metzler-Fiorino
    Jennifer Metzler-Fiorino

    October 02, 2018

    I am so thankful for Princess Awesome. My daughter absolutely loves her Princess Awesome clothes and we have the leggings, shorts, and dresses! She has disabilities and one of them is speech impairment, so I love that she can wear things she is interested in and make a statement without words. She works so hard and I know will soar to great heights. She is already. Thank you, Princess Awesome!


    October 02, 2018

    The Airplane collection touches my heart because my daughter is studying to be an airplane mechanic and her daughter is very proud of her! She will know that she can do anything she would like in life!

    J. Key
    J. Key

    October 02, 2018

    Love Princess Awesome dresses, and would love to win!

    Emily K
    Emily K

    October 02, 2018

    What an amazing giveaway!! I have 3 girls and I tell them all the time they can be anything they want.


    October 02, 2018

    Thank you for thinking of rockets and planes for these girls. My daughter is obsessed with flying and outer space!

    Jenny B
    Jenny B

    October 02, 2018

    My daughter gets many more questions and comments when she wears clothes with dinosaurs and rocket ships. When she wears other more stereotypical girl clothes the comments are generally something about how pretty or cute she is.


    October 02, 2018

    My daughter is learning about space at school right now and is so fascinated by stars, the planets, and the universe. I’m a big nerd myself, so it’s a delight to see her interests blooming.


    October 02, 2018

    Yes, outfits on children can completely start a conversation, good or bad!! I had an older lady scold me for putting an uncomfortable dress on my baby, according to her opinion, smh.


    October 02, 2018

    Love this idea!

    Emily V
    Emily V

    October 01, 2018

    I’ve been meaning to buy the airplane dress because my husband works for an airline and we fly all the time! Our daughter loves planes and looks forward to the air show every summer! Clothes definitely change the conversation, and I know she would love the opportunity to talk about the planes on her dress.


    October 01, 2018

    Something as simple as pockets in leggings tells girls “we understand that you like to excavate, explore and collect, too!” It’s amazing how that expands the possibilities of outdoor play and removes unspoken boundaries for half the kid population. We ♥️ Princess Awesome!

    Christie D
    Christie D

    October 01, 2018

    I have made my daughter’s clothes for quite sometime. She loves being able to pick clothes that express what she likes! She loved when others aske her about her clothes

    Meagen Gillispie
    Meagen Gillispie

    October 01, 2018

    My daughter has been wearing these dresses since I got some snap suits in the Kickstarter and they are her absolute favorites. I love the conversations they start when we’re out in public because it’s not simply, “you have such a cute dress.”

    Aricka Jones
    Aricka Jones

    October 01, 2018

    Being a mom to two little girls (William 3yo and Lennon 2yo) I’m so happy to find a company that mimics our household. We wear puffy skirts while watching Sci-Fi movies. We love the color pink but also airplanes and rocket ships. Why can’t you have both? Now with princess awesome you can! Thank you for encouraging girls when it comes to STEM subjects.


    October 01, 2018

    I love this concept!

    Colleen L.
    Colleen L.

    October 01, 2018

    Yes! I have found when my daughter wears something science themed, nature themed or adventure themed (stereotypically boyish), people are intrigued and tend to speak to her as a human vs. kiddo.

    Amanda Raymond
    Amanda Raymond

    October 01, 2018

    What a beautiful way to foster a girl’s love for aviation 💗

    Kathleen Paul
    Kathleen Paul

    October 01, 2018

    My baby girl loves airplanes and fire trucks. I’m so glad this company provides clothing that reflects her interests.

    Monica Reynolds-Escobar
    Monica Reynolds-Escobar

    September 30, 2018

    Clothing is used as a way to express yourself! Yellow is so vibrant, you feel happy when you wear. Black can be worn when you’re going through a bit-so-great time. Dresses that twirl are fun and just make you want to dance all day. Add planes, trains or automobiles to the dress and you can have fun while sporting something out-of-the-ordinary. We can teach our girls that the sky is the limit and they can be whatever or whoever they want to be when they grow up!


    September 30, 2018

    Love everything this company stands for!

    June Moore
    June Moore

    September 30, 2018

    I love your clothes. I can’t wait for my daughter to pick out a fun outfit.


    September 30, 2018

    Cute airplane clothes for girls!

    Jamie Joseph
    Jamie Joseph

    September 30, 2018

    I work in the Aviation industry so my 5 year old would love this. She loves sitting in C182s and can even help pre-check! She loves the airport and watching planes go by. Not sure if she wants to be a pilot or a controller yet though!


    September 30, 2018

    My daughter went from “pretty or sweet girl” to “dinosaur girl” as a school nickname since she started wearing these. She loves all things dinosaur and at age four decided she would become a paleontologist. She knows more about dinosaurs than I ever did. Until she started wearing these clothes no one ever commented when she said she loved dinosaurs. Now her enthusiasm is out there for everyone to see, they respond to it (it’s hard to ignore or overlook when she is wearing it) and she loves it. Currently she is campaigning for her class mascot to be either a dinosaur, a dragon or a cat.

    Sara V
    Sara V

    September 30, 2018

    I love these dresses! My girls are both interested in technical fields, so these prints are perfect for them!Thank you for the opportunity to win a photo shoot, as well!


    September 30, 2018

    Love this clothing line. About time there were fun items like these for girls who love this stuff.

    April Patte
    April Patte

    September 30, 2018

    Thank you for this opportunity for a great trip with the daughter. and great clothes.

    Trina Floyd
    Trina Floyd

    September 30, 2018

    I like seeing so many choices for my girls.


    September 29, 2018

    I give my daughter a choice in her clothing each day, and she loves showing off her outfits!

    Katherine Shroyer
    Katherine Shroyer

    September 29, 2018

    My girls LOVE planes, dinosaurs, space, etc… but are in a phase where they only want to wear PINK!!!! I was against it for so long… but they LOVE it. I’m excited to have options that include both!!!

    Rhonda Thompson
    Rhonda Thompson

    September 29, 2018

    My daughter is OBSESSED with planes! I’d love to take her on a trip so she can experience how amazing airplanes really are.


    September 29, 2018

    My daughter loves to dress up but also likes to wear her running clothes. She is an athletic princess.

    Alicia M!
    Alicia M!

    September 29, 2018

    My daughter loves having clothes that match her interests and can be a topic of conversation beyond “that’s cute.”


    September 29, 2018

    My granddaughter loves everything about planets and airplanes. As a grandma, I love to get the things that she gets excited about. I love that Princess Awesome has things that express her interest.


    September 29, 2018

    My granddaughter loves anything to do with planets and planes. As a grandma, I am always looking for things th


    September 29, 2018

    Thanks for encouraging my girls to be more than just a pretty face!


    September 29, 2018

    I love that your company is giving girls the option to express all their interests and goals! Thanks for reinforcing that anyone can be anything they want.


    September 29, 2018

    My daughter is in to space and rocket ships and airplanes right now. I love when she’s wearing things that reflect her interests, it’s such a great conversation starter with other kids and adults. And it makes her so happy when someone talks to her about the things she likes.

    Erin V.
    Erin V.

    September 29, 2018

    I think it is wonderful to have people like you who have made it possible for our little girls to be able to express themselves and their interests without having to compromise on style. It is one way of showing our girls that anything is possible!

    Katie Gernon
    Katie Gernon

    September 29, 2018

    Love this!!! Such an empowering movement for our young female generation!

    Jill Trombley
    Jill Trombley

    September 28, 2018

    Some of my favorite little girl clothes! I love that they get adults talking to little girls about more things!

    Sherrill Gross
    Sherrill Gross

    September 27, 2018

    Love these clothes! Girl Power!


    September 27, 2018



    September 27, 2018

    My daughter definitely gets a different reaction when wearing her pi dress vs her floral dresses. She is given more respect in some ways, and seen as more than just a girly girl. My girl is definitely feminine, And loves to be fancy … and I love that princess awesome allows her to be fancy, have pockets, and Show her interest in STEM

    Ellen P
    Ellen P

    September 27, 2018

    I love that this is meant to encourage more girls to go into aviation!


    September 27, 2018

    This brand is phenomenal. We shop on “both sides” of the store for my girl. We don’t call them
    Boy or girl clothes. She gets whatever she wants. Yes, people sometimes comment when it’s a boy outfit. And yes she hears from others that she’s cute and pretty more than smart or funny or talented. But I try to balance that and let my kid be herself!

    Chelsey koch
    Chelsey koch

    September 27, 2018

    I love this. My daughters favorite thing is airplanes and it’s hard now that she understands “boy” & “girl” clothes. She would get made fun of for airplanes shirts but this opens a whole new opportunity for her to be herself and embrace what makes her happy! Thank for for this !


    September 27, 2018

    Love these designs. Inspiring girls to dream big.

    Rachel W
    Rachel W

    September 27, 2018

    Yes, lots of adults tell my daughter how pretty she is and how cute she looks, but I would rather them say you are smart and brave! Clothing definitely is a factor in these conversations.

    Caitlin S
    Caitlin S

    September 27, 2018

    Love these outfits! My 2 yo loves airplanes- I’m so glad someone makes cute outfits for girls with something other than mermaids, princesses, and unicorns on them!

    Kaitlin K
    Kaitlin K

    September 27, 2018

    Such an empowering company for young girls!

    Kristen Owles
    Kristen Owles

    September 27, 2018

    I am thrilled with this new movement. I LOVE that my kids can wear empowering clothing where girls can be as strong as boys and boys can be as sweet as girls. And vice versa!

    Emily K
    Emily K

    September 27, 2018

    This month at my daughter’s preschool, her teachers posted pictures of all of the kids dressed up as professionals. My daughter chose to be a doctor. Though I was not there for that conversation, I’m so happy that her teachers engage all of their students equally, no assumptions, no matter how frilly a child’s outfit may be :)

    Robyn Miller
    Robyn Miller

    September 27, 2018

    I’m fortunate to have married in to a family with a pilot. My FIL is a captain with Hawaiian airlines. Numerous times, my 4 yrbold daughter has said she wants to fly planes like Opa. I’m thrilled to see an organization promoting females as equals to males and than their aspirations are no less relevant, regardless of age!!

    MaryBeth Sullivan
    MaryBeth Sullivan

    September 27, 2018

    what a great concept I’m so excited to discover such an empowering brand.

    Alice L
    Alice L

    September 27, 2018

    I love the conversations your clothing sparks. My cousin’s daughter was wearing your fire truck dress at a party recently. The MAJORITY of the conversations I overheard involved adults asking her about fire trucks, trucks in general, and what she wanted to be when she grew up. Giving a girl a compliment is nice, engaging them in a discussion about their interests is wonderful.

    Shaylee Hardman
    Shaylee Hardman

    September 27, 2018

    I feel like people totally talk different to my child if she is dressed cuter or not so cute lol


    September 26, 2018

    Absolutely, the clothes make a difference. Pretty and princess and cute are common on girls’ clothes. I was telling someone just yesterday that there are finally some companies out there making clothes with science and math for girls and women.

    Twins Mom
    Twins Mom

    September 26, 2018

    Thanks to influence from their older brother, my girls are into Lego, Construction, Fire Trucks, and Trains. In the past I’ve had to make t-shirts for them if I wanted something other than TV characters, or glittery hearts and stars. Ironically, I’ve noticed a lot more conversations started by dads and grandpas when my girls are wearing their “not so girlie” clothing. It really opens up a great dialogue about their interests.

    Kathleen zolondek
    Kathleen zolondek

    September 26, 2018

    Charlotte wants to be an Astronaut and go to the Moon when she grows up. This is a perfect beginning! She loves to explore and the world is an open space for her. Charlotte is fearless and will to try anything.


    September 26, 2018

    My daughter loves airplanes and science. It is so exciting to see other girls like her being taken serious. As a mom I want her to dream big and be more then just pretty. She can do anything she puts her mind to. In 6 years she has already accomplished so much! This would be a dream come true for her. Also, Washington DC is on her bucket list because she is president obsessed. She can name all of them and tell you tons of facts about them all. She is planning on being a harry S Truman for Halloween this year. Last year she was the solar system.


    September 26, 2018

    I love that you are doing this. The life of a pilot is challenging for a parent and requires the whole-hearted support and investment of the whole family.


    September 26, 2018

    I love when what they where becomes a world of conversation , not just about looks, but suddenly about possibiliities, interests, Adventures, goals, imagination, who knew clothes had the capacity to give my three daughters a greater personhood ?


    September 26, 2018

    We have three dresses and my 2 yo LOVES THEM! They are also an awesome way to educate adults on female empowerment. These dresses are built to command respect! 🙏🏼❤️


    September 26, 2018

    I want so badly to say that clothes don’t have an impact on the things people say to children, but they do! I’ve tried to teach my daughter to focus on the more practical aspects of clothes, but it certainly is fun to enjoy our clothes and have them reflect our interests. Having clothes that match my daughter’s style PLUS her interests is just the best. Having adults say more than just “you look so pretty” is wonderful!


    September 26, 2018

    When dressed with certain designs it can evoke more conversations with people. I’m sure airplanes would be a great conversation starter.


    September 26, 2018

    Clothing can make a difference in the conversation adults have with children. I have noticed that if a child is wearing clothing that reflects their interests, they are often asked asked about the subject, which allows the child to get to talk about the their favorite topic.

     Ali E
    Ali E

    September 25, 2018

    I love seeing clothes for girls with designs other than the traditional ones. It allows my daughters to express themselves.

    Kimberly H.
    Kimberly H.

    September 25, 2018

    I believe that children should feel free to express themselves, and the things they love. One of the ways they can do that is through their clothing.

    Elena C Nescio
    Elena C Nescio

    September 25, 2018

    Girls need to be able to express a full range of interests and clothing often is their way of sharing with the world what they love! It’s a reflection of their most precious toys, their biggest passions. Let’s feed it!!


    September 25, 2018

    Yes I believe clothing does change how adults talk to children. Kids need to be free to express themselves and being able to do so through clothing is amazing.


    September 25, 2018

    What an awesome giveaway. Thank you


    September 25, 2018

    My daughter loves science; she always tells people about her microscope and her visits to the science museum.

    Sara Renee
    Sara Renee

    September 25, 2018

    Fashion is a gateway for conversations in many cultures including general equality. My daughter loves planes and trains and gets looked at funny for wearing her brother’s clothes.

    Bobbie F.
    Bobbie F.

    September 25, 2018

    Cute clothes!

    Christina Haymaker
    Christina Haymaker

    September 24, 2018

    Princess Awesome is exactly like its name – awesome! I have a 22 year old and a 21 month (both girls) and I love the opportunity to start encouraging my little one so young by showing her that science, math, engineering, etc are “fun and fashionable”.

    Katie Blackmar Walker
    Katie Blackmar Walker

    September 24, 2018

    As a girl obsessed with physical and space, I felt the cultural bias against girls in STEM, even with parents who encouraged me to pursue my dreams. It’s like it’s just in the air…an unconscious message got through to me that I wasn’t naturally going to be as good at math and science as the boys. Of course that’s ridiculous! I hope my daughter (who already loves planes) can grow up without having to overcome this feeling! P.S. I grew up to be an aerospace engineer, and it’s a pretty awesome job for a girl!


    September 24, 2018

    I’m thankful that my kids have lots of people in their lives that have interesting conversations with them no matter what they’re wearing, but clothes are often what people talk to my daughter about first—much more than my son. So I’m always thrilled when she has interesting clothes that make the conversations more enriching for both her and the adults (especially since she has never been interested in small talk).

    Denise Low
    Denise Low

    September 24, 2018

    I think that it is true that it’s a conversation starter.

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