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  • August 18, 2023 2 min read 6 Comments

    I remember a little girl with the brightest, happiest, biggest brown eyes, framed by curling brown hair that turned gold every summer.

    I remember a spunky, diminutive toddler, playing tonka trucks with my sons and her sister in our sand box. The truck was nearly as big as she was but she handled it with aplomb, delightedly building and destroying and crashing into everyone else's vehicles and loving every second of it.

    I remember a cheerful, adventurous kindergartener sledding right at the front of a group of four down a huge steep hill that scared the tuna salad out of me,  the adult riding in the back.

    I remember an inquisitive kid whose imagination brought dinosaurs back to vivid life, who ran the length of a diplodocus on a summer day (100 feet between her mom and me, holding the tape measure), who had a pet life-size dilophosaurus hiding behind a bush in her backyard.

    I remember a strong girl who climbed way, way higher in a magnolia tree than I ever would have thought a kid could climb. I remember her building a beautiful fairy garden out of leaves, wood chips, sand, flowers - and telling stories about the fairies and making me feel like fairies really would come and live there because she believed they would.

    I remember watching for hours as this kid ran her trains around and around and around and around on the train table and on the floor and on the dining room table and pretty much on every surface a train's wheels could run on.

    I remember my best opponent at Clue, my partner-in-crime in finishing off the bag of pretzels (and the popcorn, and the chips), my guide through Rock Creek Park bouldering and Sligo Creek boot-stomping.

    I remember a kid who loved pink - **loved pink** and Frozen and furry, fuzzy lions. A kid who shared her beloved toys with my kids because she loved them and thought they'd love them too and even gave them to my daughter when after probably five years she finally didn't feel like belting "Do you want to build a snowman?" every 10 minutes anymore.

    I remember a girl who stood her ground, who showed me to stand my ground when I just wanted to please everyone and make them like me by giving in, apologizing, or sucking up. She showed me I could stand my ground and people would still like me and still be friends with me and even if they didn't, we could still work together and tolerate each other and most of all, we could learn from each other. I learned so much from you, Sienna. I learned that every person is a lot of things, with many interests and many, many ideas, and that although we like to compartmentalize to create "this or that" - you were always "this AND that."  Always. 

    And I will always remember you. 

    Sienna Farr was a beloved lifelong friend and one of Princess Awesome's first models, before our Kickstarter, before we were much more than a dream and a few dresses made of tee shirts and quilting material. She died in a fire that also seriously injured her mother on August 11, 2023, aged 13.

    6 Responses


    February 05, 2024

    Eloquently written, and so sorry for your loss, and the loss to the world of such a bright and imaginative human.

    Jeffrey Ackerman
    Jeffrey Ackerman

    August 28, 2023

    May the peace and love of our heavenly father comfort you and your family. I pray for healing for your body, mind and heart.

    Judy Heers
    Judy Heers

    August 28, 2023

    Thanks for taking the time to write such a beautiful tribute to Sienna. I know that Laura will be so pleased that you showed your love in this way. Judy Heers (Laura’s Aunt)


    August 28, 2023

    I did not know Sienna well but know her family and this just touches my heart! 💕

    Cheryl Volk
    Cheryl Volk

    August 28, 2023

    Oh Eva-thank you so very much for that beautiful tribute. I loved reading it and will read it again and again and again. It describes Sienna so perfectly. Cheryl Volk, Sienna’s Gram


    August 21, 2023

    I am so very sorry for your loss. What an absolutely beautiful way to share her memory. I am grateful that you took the time to share about her spirit, drive, and impact on all of your family.

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