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  • July 19, 2017 1 min read 9 Comments

    10-year-old Jessie assisted with a white shark necropsy and then returned to school to present to her entire 4th grade class about her experience and what she learned. 16-year-old Julia went to her old Junior High to speak about how kids can start pursuing a career at any age by volunteering in shark conservation efforts, scuba diving, or by attending lectures and events to learn about the career. These were all things she has been able to participate in as a Gills Club member. The club has helped to develop knowledge of sharks for our members, as well as confidence.

    Girls who were once being told that sharks are for boys now have the knowledge of female scientists they can reference, shark facts they can share, and the ability to discuss all of those things with confidence.

    Princess Awesome and Girls Can! Crate offered a special Gill Girls Giveaway in honor of the Gills Club, an education initiative of the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy, and all the amazing girls out there with a passion for elasmobranch science. Thank you, Gills Club, for empowering and supporting budding shark scientists!

    Entries to the giveaway included sending in a picture of an awesome Sharks Girl. We are so proud to be able to share those terrific photos with you here! Thank you so much to everyone who entered!

    9 Responses

    Kelly C
    Kelly C

    July 25, 2017

    My daughter has a bday coming up Aug. 4 and she would LOVe this!


    July 25, 2017

    Would love to share this awesome gift with my girls!! Girls Can!!

    Jamie Hamm
    Jamie Hamm

    July 24, 2017

    We just got the Shark dress to celebrate Shark week. Thank you!!

    Autumn Yates
    Autumn Yates

    July 24, 2017

    Thanks for the chance to enter! My daughter adores her Princess Awesome dresses, and the Shark dress would make a great first day of school dress for her. :-)


    July 22, 2017



    July 22, 2017

    My daughter would love the dress and the chance to spread the word about shark conservation.

    Kristan Williams
    Kristan Williams

    July 22, 2017

    My Daughter Zoe would love this, what a fun idea! She is determined to save the sharks. We love our Gills Club newsletters, so inspirational! Thank you for your collaboration with them! Best of luck to EVERYONE!

    Marion Henry
    Marion Henry

    July 20, 2017

    Love them!!


    July 20, 2017

    Thank you!

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