This product has been discontinued. But you might be able to find the design on Spoonflower.
It's Pi Day in the Year of the Dragon! More than eighteen hundred years ago, the mathematician Liu Hui discovered an algorithm to calculate Pi using rod calculus. His method gave a result for Pi that was more accurate than Archimedes', and became the basis for Chinese calculations of Pi for centuries.
This colorful design features Liu Hui's YinJian (signature chop), a diagram describing his polygon-based calculation, and the algorithm he discovered. Dragons and Pi symbols along with Pi calculated to 35 digits weave among the mathematics, honoring the many centuries of mathematics and mathematicians studying our favorite irrational number. 100% cotton with a twirly skirt and deep pockets. In conjunction with the release of this print, Princess Awesome will be making a donation to the support the Chinese American Museum in Washington, DC.