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  • January 03, 2019 3 min read 8 Comments

    One of the two* most frequently asked questions we get at Princess Awesome is some variation of: “Can you make clothes for boys who love unicorns, butterflies, and sparkles?”

    For as long as we’ve been getting this question, our answer has been, “We’d love to do that - down the road!”

    Every time we typed that into a Facebook comment or email response, we were serious. Because, trust us, we know boys’ clothes.

    When we first started Princess Awesome, I had a 3-year-old daughter and a 3-month-old baby boy. Girls’ clothes were forefront in my mind, as I’d spent three years dressing my daughter and had just entered the phase of parenting when what you want for your child (no princess dresses!) conflicts with what your child actually wants (all the princess dresses!). It was the thinking and questioning around all of this that led to the creation of Princess Awesome (and a full embrace of princess dresses on my part).

    But when we first started, Eva had three boys who were 7, 5, and 1. She immediately recognized the need for more clothing options for girls, but she also knew full well what I’ve come to learn now that my 3-month-old baby is almost six, and I’ve added another little boy to the family who is 18 months old: The Limits of the Boys’ Section.

    One of Eva's sons is a natty dresser, even when just visiting the Home Depot.

    Limits? In the boys’ section? YES.

    Have you visited the boys’ section in a mainstream retailer lately?

    Yes, you’ll find plenty of dinosaurs, trucks, superheroes, and sports.

    You’ll also find A LOT of black, gray, navy blue, gray, brown, and, did we mention - gray? Maybe an accent of red or blue here and there or some neon orange on athletic apparel, but mainly just gray.

    And you know what you don’t find anywhere in the boys’ section? Cats. Butterflies. Ice cream cones. Rainbows.

    ICE CREAM!!!

    We’ve all heard girls and boys scream with glee at an ice cream party. We know girls and boys who love their cats. We know girls and boys who eagerly identify the monarch and imposter viceroy flying through their garden. We know girls and boys who gaze expectantly at the sky after a storm searching for a rainbow.

    These are things all kids love. Why don’t they exist on boys’ clothing?

    Well, friends, we think they should, and we’ve heard from enough of you to know that a lot of you do, too. And so, it appears that we have finally arrived at “down the road.”

    This year, in just a few months, we will be launching Princess Awesome’s brother company: Boy, Wonder.

    Starting in April, we will run a crowdfunding/pre-order campaign (like Kickstarter but on our own website) to get Boy, Wonder off the ground (more on that later).

    For now - we want to hear from you! We want to know what YOU think is missing from the boys’ section and what your wonderful boys want to wear that you can’t find for them right now.

    Boys love dolls too. And see?! All GRAY!!

    Please, take our Boy, Wonder Kickoff Survey and let us know your thoughts. Have friends who might be interested? Share this blog post so they can take the survey, too! We want to hear from as many of you (whether you have sons or not!) as we can so we can make Boy, Wonder as wonderful as we’re imagining it will be.

    Oh, and because we live in the world we live in, Boy, Wonder already has a Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter page. Follow us!

    Thanks in advance for your support and guidance, friends! We wouldn’t be here without you, and we’re thrilled to be embarking on this new journey with you by our side.


    *The other is “Can I get this in an adult size?” And don’t worry, we’re working on that this year, too. :)

    Create your own user feedback survey

    8 Responses


    June 18, 2020

    I love your designs!!!

    Shannon Drenik
    Shannon Drenik

    August 23, 2019

    Yippeeeeeeeeee! Hurry up please! How do I get in on the Kickstarter?’

    Clarissa Scidmore
    Clarissa Scidmore

    April 08, 2019

    If love to see dressy options! Purple and pink and yellow suits, ties with hearts and flowers, button down shirts with a rainbow patterns,
    Plus dinosaur clothes in purple, the life cycle of a butterfly on a tee. Things like that. Not just clothes for boys but interesting clothes for boys


    February 14, 2019

    i did the survey then i realized i should have mentioned: there’s nothing wrong with some of the PA designs on shirts for boys.

    Val Janowski
    Val Janowski

    January 16, 2019

    I absolutely love that your company has taken the initiative to think outside the box on children’s clothing! I will happily promote both of your business ventures both by word of mouth and on social media. I wish you great success!

    Melissa L Lemmons
    Melissa L Lemmons

    January 08, 2019

    Yes, please on the rainbows! ALL the rainbows! My 7 year old’s favorite colors are pink and rainbow. I just told him about this project and he got the happiest, silliest grin and said he especially likes kitty cats and sometimes bunnies. Reversible sequins are always a plus in his book. He’s currently wearing an aqua shirt with a reversible sequin rainbow on it.
    Bright colors in the full spectrum! I’d love to see dressier options, like sweaters and button ups. As you know, it is so hard to find dress clothes for boys except at Easter and then it’s only a small selection of suits.

    Pauline Buchanan
    Pauline Buchanan

    January 07, 2019

    Love this concept and congratulations. Wondered if there are musical instrument or scientific instruments on any of them , boys and girls. Also thought of farm equipment as an addition to the trucks and cars. Many girls help with farm work and more are owning farms as they grow up.


    January 06, 2019

    Mom is in school for engineering and is a licensed welder. Dad restores classic trucks. Big sis loves stem, robotics, dogs, red, taking everything apart. Little baby brother (almost 1 year old) likes real tools, yellow, sparkles, and chickens. This company really has their finger on the pulse of reality and I love it!

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