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  • March 10, 2016 2 min read

    by Caroline Gates-Lupton, age 18

    Silent snow is falling down
    Hushingas it meets the ground

    Brown eyes track and watch it go
    Beside the girl, a candle glows

    Then pull away to trim the tree
    With tinsel bought when she was three
    String the popcorn, hang the lights!
    This tree will be a lovely sight

    When at last it's time to stop
    The star goes on the tippy-top
    Gold with balls of red and green
    The prettiest thing you've ever seen

    The lamps are off, the tree lights glow
    Like memories of long ago
    The scent of Christmas fills the air
    Needles sprinkled everywhere

    Off to bed the girl is sent
    The place where countless nights are spent
    Crouching by the windowsill
    She looks out at the night so still

    The world outside is full of white
    And great wolves howl out of sight
    Dark eyes watch the full moon climb
    Up to the top of the Christmas pines

    The sky is filled with silver stars
    Each driveway holds a snowy car
    A sleeping girl on a windowsill
    Breathing in the night so still.

    For our third  installment, we have a poem by 18-year-old Caroline Gates-Lupton that she wrote for her grandmother this past Christmas. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful poem with us, Caroline! 

    We love hearing from our customers. We love hearing about the awesome things their girls are doing and thinking and wearing and writing. We thought we would start to share some of the awesomeness with all of you! We're going to start sharing pieces of writing - stories, poems, essays - done by awesome girls on a regular basis. Please contact info@princess-awesome.com to submit a piece of writing.

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