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    slctvrnt:--::|~|:prdurl:--:http://princess-awesome.com/products/twirly-robots-dress:|~|:prdbtnltp:--:product:|~|:prdbtncpt:--:Shop Robots:|~|:prdbtnattr:--: class='zpa-btn-custom zpa-lime-color-btn zpa-add-to-cart-btn zpa-button-medium zp bcss-884981':|~|:prdbdhtml:--:

    "SparkleBots" Robots Twirly Play Dress

    The little girl in your life (whose intelligence is anything but artificial) will love to twirl and store treasures in the hidden pockets in this perfect twirly play dress. Sparkly silver robots live in the chevron stripes of gears that circle this purple twirly skirt. Turning the gears to twirl the skirt, the metallic robots on this dress are ready for action on the playground or in the classroom. 

    :|~|:prdattr:--: data-id='884981' class='zpa-row zp ba-884981':|~|:mcontclstpadd:--: class='js-cluster cluster-padding-medium zp cac-884982':|~|:mcontattr:--: data-id='884982' class='js-cluster-wrapper zp ba-884982':|~|:imgpos:--:left:|~|:handle:--:twirly-robots-dress:|~|:descfnts:--: class='zpa-offset-bottom-sm zpa-product-description zpa-word-wrap zp pda-884981':|~|:clstid:--:244082
    slctvrnt:--::|~|:prdurl:--:http://princess-awesome.com/products/super-secret-hidden-ninja-twirly-play-dress:|~|:prdbtnltp:--:product:|~|:prdbtncpt:--:Shop Ninja:|~|:prdbtnattr:--: class='zpa-btn-custom zpa-lime-color-btn zpa-add-to-cart-btn zpa-button-medium zp bcss-884985':|~|:prdbdhtml:--:

    Super Secret Hidden Ninja Twirly Play Dress

    This dress comes with deep pockets and a big full twirly skirt.  At first glance it's just another display of beautiful pink flowers. But look closer... there are ninja hiding in plain sight!

    :|~|:prdattr:--: data-id='884985' class='zpa-row zp ba-884985':|~|:mcontclstpadd:--: class='js-cluster cluster-padding-medium zp cac-884986':|~|:mcontattr:--: data-id='884986' class='js-cluster-wrapper zp ba-884986':|~|:imgpos:--:right:|~|:handle:--:super-secret-hidden-ninja-twirly-play-dress:|~|:descfnts:--: class='zpa-offset-bottom-sm zpa-product-description zpa-word-wrap zp pda-884985':|~|:clstid:--:244084
    slctvrnt:--::|~|:prdurl:--:http://princess-awesome.com/products/dragons-twirly-play-dress:|~|:prdbtnltp:--:product:|~|:prdbtncpt:--:Shop Dragons:|~|:prdbtnattr:--: class='zpa-btn-custom zpa-lime-color-btn zpa-add-to-cart-btn zpa-button-medium zp bcss-885053':|~|:prdbdhtml:--:

    "FireFlight" Dragons Twirly Play Dress

    With pockets for storing treasures and a deep red top, this dress is sure to be a favorite of your Little Dragon Tamer. Fierce, beautiful dragons circle this print, breathing fire of scarlet and sparkling gold. Your awesome girl will always be in control of these beasts, commanding them to fly - wings outspread - with every twirl of her skirt. 

    :|~|:prdattr:--: data-id='885053' class='zpa-row zp ba-885053':|~|:mcontclstpadd:--: class='js-cluster cluster-padding-medium zp cac-885054':|~|:mcontattr:--: data-id='885054' class='js-cluster-wrapper zp ba-885054':|~|:imgpos:--:left:|~|:handle:--:dragons-twirly-play-dress:|~|:descfnts:--: class='zpa-offset-bottom-sm zpa-product-description zpa-word-wrap zp pda-885053':|~|:clstid:--:244109