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  • November 13, 2018 1 min read

    The weather was perfect.

    The plane was on time.

    It was a marvelous day to be at Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport.

    On October 29, 2018, JetBlue hosted Princess Awesome at the Fashion on the Fly photoshoot at BWI. The pilots who edit Aviation for Women and Aviation for Girls, publications of Women in Aviation International (WAI) came to meet our models and talk with them about careers in aviation. 

    In partnership with JetBlue, we designed and produced the "TrueBlue" Airplanes Collection so girls who love airplanes can twirl, jump, and fly wearing clothes that reflect their interest in aviation. Many young girls' budding interests in STEM careers fade between the ages of 6-12. Only 7% of pilots are women. JetBlue wants to change that. The JetBlue Foundation supports K-12 STEM education and awards scholarships to students pursuing aviation careers. 

    Together, JetBlue and Princess Awesome are encouraging girls to stay interested in airplanes, aviation mechanics, engineering, and all the thousands of STEM activities that go into running a commercial airline on a daily basis.  Our day at BWI was absolutely amazing - from learning how a jet engine works to twirling in front of a (much larger when you're outside) plane, we all had a day to remember.

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