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  • October 01, 2015 2 min read

    Wow. What a difference a year makes.

    One year ago, we posted our first blog post. We explained where we’d been for the past eight months, where we wanted to go, and how we were going to get there. We announced, for the first time publicly, that we planned to launch a Kickstarter in early February of 2015.

    To say that we had NO IDEA where we’d be today, one year later, is an understatement. A serious understatement.

    So where are we today?

    • We have finished two rounds of factory production. Creating over 5,000 products including play dresses, snapsuits, infinity scarves, headbands, and headscarves.
    • Components are in place for production to start on the Busy Dress line in just a few weeks.
    • We are working on a spring line of new Play Dresses.
    • Rebecca is working full time and Eva is working part time on Princess Awesome.
    • We are in full swing looking into how we can work towards bringing our prices down while continuing to manufacture in the U.S. and pay our vendors a fair and living wage.
    • We are already thinking ahead to new styles and designs for summer, fall, and winter 2016.
    • Over 3,000 packages of Princess Awesome clothing has been shipped, which means that…
    • Most importantly, over 3,000 girls around the world are wearing dresses that used to be ours and are now THEIRS - sporting dinosaur dresses at natural history museums, donning pirate dresses aboard pirate ships, and telling their preschool teachers what pi stands for.

    We are beyond honored and beyond thrilled to be able to share this report with you, and we are so excited for the new dresses and new designs we will be able to offer you in the coming months.

    As we grow, we want to hear from you! Your feedback and constructive criticism helps us immeasurably.

    Have an idea for a new design? Let us know!

    Have feedback on sizing or fit of your dress or snapsuit? Let us know!

    Have a story of your daughter/niece/granddaughter/friend wearing a Princess Awesome dress? Please share!

    Have a lead for us on an awesome supplier, contractor, or manufacturer? Please share!

    Honestly, we love hearing from you, and your ideas are motivation, inspiration, and direction for us.

    Please be in touch!

    As always: info@princess-awesome, rebecca@princess-awesome, eva@princess-awesome.com

    We’ll be back soon with updates on the Busy Dress, stories from real life of awesome girls wearing Princess Awesome dresses, and more!

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